Cream puff cake with cherry groats very simple and mega tasty

Windbeuteltorte mit Kirschgrütze ganz einfach und megalecker

Mundgerechte Windbeutel können den Appetit der Windbeutelfans nicht mehr stillen. Nun ist es die Zeit, dass wir eine große Windbeuteltorte selber machen und sie auf einmal essen.

In China I never made cakes myself, I just bought one to my birthday because we don't have an oven at home. But here you can do it yourself at any time. I find that's really great! On the occasion I also learned some cake recipes from my mother-in-law hihi!

When I tried the cream puff cake for the first time, I was so impressed and have fallen in love with it ever since. So far it has been my favorite cake and also my first choice for birthday cakes.


Then I learned how to do it from my mother-in-law. The recipe is originally from my mother-in-law and I have adjusted the ingredients to my taste. It tastes great and I am very satisfied.

I also showed my mom this on the cell phone and she liked it very much. I promised her that I will definitely bake for her next time I go to China. She is really looking forward to it!

Now I want to share the recipe with you. Very simple, very nice and very tasty!


Cream puff cake with cherry groats very simple and mega tasty

Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 25 minutes
Total Time 45 minutes
Course Dessert
Cuisine Germany
Servings 8 people


  • 100 g sugar For the cake base
  • 100 g butter For the cake base
  • 100 g pastry flour For the cake base
  • 1 pinch baking powder For the cake base
  • 2 eggs For the cake base
  • 250 g mascarpone For the filling
  • 250 g quark For the filling
  • 200 g whipped cream For the filling
  • 80 g sugar For the filling
  • 1 package(8g) cream stabilizer For the filling
  • 1 glass cherry groats For the filling
  • 2 pack frozen cream puffs For the filling


  • Preheat the oven to 160 ° C (convection heat) Lightly grease a 25 cm Ø springform pan with butter.
  • Prepare eggs, sugar, butter, flour and baking powder for the cake base
  • firstly beat the whole eggs and sugar with kitchen machine until creamy
  • Then sift the flour and baking powder onto the egg-sugar mixture, add the butter, and continue beating with the kitchen machine until the mixture is creamy.
  • Then spread the dough in a springform pan (greased with butter), and bake immediately at 160 °C; circulating heat for about 25 minutes. After the 20 minutes do the chopsticks test.
  • Let the cake base completely cool down, turn it over and then place it on the cake plate. So you have the smooth surface on top.
  • Then use the hand mixer or the kitchen machine to beat the cream with the cream stabilizer, then mix mascarpone, quark, and sugar with the stifed whipped cream.
  • Then you put a cake ring around the cake base and spread 1/3 cream in the form
  • Then tightly cover with the frozen cream puffs
  • Then spread the rest of the cream over it
  • At last evenly spread a glass of cherry groats over the top. Then the cake must be placed in the refrigerator for at least 3-5 hours (also works overnight) so that the mixture becomes firm.
  • I wish you a good appetite